Huh. What's the difference between cuttlefish and squid? I had thought they were the same....
Cuttlefish have a more pronounced cuttlebone (giving them a more rigid body, and making them more suitable for your parakeet) and their feeding tentacles retract into pouches. Oh, and the cuttles are the best at colour and texture manipulation of their skin.
English Title Cephalopods of the world : squids, cuttlefishes, octopuses, and allies
I love the idea of being a cephalopod of the world. "I mean, you've been around, haven't you? Nudge nudge, wink wink, know what I mean?"
tommyrot, closely related but not the same. The squid are the tasty ones, unless you're a parakeet.
They're both eaten, though I (and I admit this is weird) have ideological objections to it.
Don't squid also have that weird bone thing ?
Yes, but not as pronounced. Their body retains its shape in a way the octopus doesn't, but your can see the difference: cuttle: [link] squid: [link]
They have a beak. I think that's the only hard part of their bodies....
No, that's octopi. They can squeeze through insanely small gaps as a result.
No one else is alarmed that the cephalopods have ::allies::!?! We're doooooooooomed and not in a cute reptilefan-actuary-returns-home-and-finds-love kind of way.
Hee. I think they should have allies, if anyone's going to be doing the evil overlord of the deep thing it should be cephalopods. Masters of disguise!