From McSweeneys:
HELEN THOMAS (Hearst Newspapers): Is the use of tactical nuclear weapons on the table for Iran?
SMARTERCHILD: Is the use of tactical nuclear weapons? Nah, I don't think so. Maybe, though.
The world is getting pretty bizarre. [link]
Sometimes bizarre is good: [link]
That's very good news indeed given how bacteria have been getting resistant to the usual antibiotic meds.
I'm watching Good Eats where he's talking about various greens. He just gave a tip that I GAVE HIM!!!!!! I met Alton Brown at a book signing a few years ago (with Kathy A) and I told him that my mom used to wash big loads of greens in the washing machine. He had never heard of that before and thought it was a great idea.
ChiKat is now officially the coolest person I know. Although, I suspect that was the case before this AB connection came to light.
Also, JZ is the awesomest and sweetest and best reference giver EVAH.
The people in the office next door have their own coffee grinder and coffee pot.
They just ground up a batch.
It smells like a cedar forest went through the chipper.
Not sure what flavor that was, but it can't taste right.
Gronklies. (I think I may have played one too many rounds of flipcup last night. Not so much hung over, just very very tired now.)
Cedar coffee = weird.
for Jesse: [link]
I support the purging, although I pack stuff that lots of people toss from move to move (brooms, mops, rags, plastic bags...).