A poster on another board I frequent works for Whole Foods. She's been talking about some of their policies in a thread where we all talk (usually kvetch) about our jobs. After reading some of the shit they pull, I'm going to try harder not to ever shop there. (I rarely do, but I'm going to try reducing it further.) Now I'm feeling the unions that picketed when they moved in there had it right.
One of the many nice things about web boards is getting a view of people who live other places. A number of other posters there have talked about Wegman's and it seems like a really interesting business success story at the very least.
In any case, congratulations on the grazing, Jesse. It's nice to fill up for free. My Catholic guilt usually prevents me from indulging. But I'll sample when I'm serious about buying. I sampled some Pink Lady apples at the farmer's market and was glad I did. They were too mealy for me. OTOH, other things I've sampled, like the Barhi dates, I bought on the spot.
and they had free samples
Ooh, I love the whole "try before you buy" deal.
TJ's had artichoke and lemon pesto (wha????) on chicken and some cookies. I had to pass on the cookies cause I already wanted to buy some. I didn't need to know that they were delicious as well.
I totally tried and didn't buy! I have no shame. OK, I bought some merengue (that's not right --that's the dance. I mean the egg white thing. Edit: MERINGUE. Still looks weird) cookies for class, and a drink, but I did not buy any aged gouda or cured meat.
Edit some more: I just realized I'm not at all tired, and that's a bad thing. This is what I get for going to bed so early last night.
I only buy the things I really like. Or to remember that I like them for the future. Some things I try just cause they are there, or cause I know they are good, or just because I am hungry. Every day a different motivation.
Believe me, Jesse, I wish I had less guilt. I'm really weird about it, thanks to the Mother Church.
They would just throw it away! Really, I'm helping when I take the free samples.
Oh crap. I just realized the Excederin I took this morning is probably what's making me so not-sleepy.
I think I may have stolen all your tired, Jesse. I have done very little except sit on the sofa or sleep today (seriously-- I took out the trash, and got the mail, and that was about it), and I still feel like I could go to bed any minute now.
How is the life of unemployed leisure packing and getting ready to move treating you, shrift?