and they had free samples
Ooh, I love the whole "try before you buy" deal.
TJ's had artichoke and lemon pesto (wha????) on chicken and some cookies. I had to pass on the cookies cause I already wanted to buy some. I didn't need to know that they were delicious as well.
I totally tried and didn't buy! I have no shame. OK, I bought some merengue (that's not right --that's the dance. I mean the egg white thing. Edit: MERINGUE. Still looks weird) cookies for class, and a drink, but I did not buy any aged gouda or cured meat.
Edit some more: I just realized I'm not at all tired, and that's a bad thing. This is what I get for going to bed so early last night.
I only buy the things I really like. Or to remember that I like them for the future. Some things I try just cause they are there, or cause I know they are good, or just because I am hungry. Every day a different motivation.
Believe me, Jesse, I wish I had less guilt. I'm really weird about it, thanks to the Mother Church.
They would just throw it away! Really, I'm helping when I take the free samples.
Oh crap. I just realized the Excederin I took this morning is probably what's making me so not-sleepy.
I think I may have stolen all your tired, Jesse. I have done very little except sit on the sofa or sleep today (seriously-- I took out the trash, and got the mail, and that was about it), and I still feel like I could go to bed any minute now.
How is the life of unemployed leisure packing and getting ready to move treating you, shrift?
I'm, uh. Inhaling a lot of dust, and saying, "WTF is this and where did I obtain it?!" all the time, and realizing I have WAY TOO MUCH STUFF OMG.
Things have been worse.