Ugh, this weather is just PERFECT for coming back to work after vacation. So nasty.
Bob was asked to apply for a position opening up at the Australian National University. I know nothing about Canberra but it sounds really good right about today. Who knows something about Canberra? Is it like D.C. to Sydney and Melbourne's NY and LA? Or is it more like, I dunno, Kansas City?
bon bon, maybe it would be useful to post that question in the UnAmericans thread, as well?
bt is from there. Originally, at least.
We need billytea.
We should summon him.
Just look in the mirror and say, "Wombat. Wombat. Wombat."
Or maybe that should be "Emperor penguin...."
Echidna skull. Echidna skull?
Well, I don't need official advice or anything, just something to think about. Gorgeous Canberra, with your...things! And buildings! And...Australians!
Bob was asked to apply for a position opening up at the Australian National University. I know nothing about Canberra but it sounds really good right about today. Who knows something about Canberra? Is it like D.C. to Sydney and Melbourne's NY and LA? Or is it more like, I dunno, Kansas City?
Woah. I lived the first 25 years of my life there, and did my first degree at the ANU. So, shoot.
Potted deal: after NYC, he'll probably find it pretty quiet. But it is the National Capital, so it has the War Memorial, National Museum, National Art Gallery etc. In this, it's rather like DC. (And like DC, it has its own territory separate from any state.) It's a relatively new city, and it has a rep for being light on for nightlife. The rep is overstated, but not inaccurate.
Having said that, it's a gorgeous place to live, espcially if you like the outdoors. It has high rates of participation in sports and cultural events (though the latter will likely feel a bit provincial; the population's only 330,000). It does well for restaurants, having more of them per capita than anywhere else in Australia. Air and water quality is excellent, and it's easy to get around. It's close enough to Sydney, the snowfields and the coast to make a weekend out of any of them. And winters are warmer and summers less humid than NYC.
(I'd mention the Australian Reptile Centre, but that may be a specialised interest.)
It does sound nice. But not much like a college town?
Last night I was still awake at 3:00, then I woke up at 5:30 for about 20 minutes, and then woke up again at about 15 minutes ago. I also feel vaguely unwell.
I am contemplating not going to work today.