I can see blue skies out my windows and since I haven't watched the weather forecast for today, I am hoping that it will stay. We had the orb for a couple of hours yesterday, but it was when I was inside working. I might even go for a walk while my laundry dries. But both of those sound terribly energetic and I'm only on my first cup of coffee.
Perkins, I hope you and -t find some great stuff while shopping. Have you made up your mind on a prom dress yet? (I'm thinking of some of the ones you've linked to this week. Any of them would be great on you.)
The last band of rain is passing through now. It should be over in an hour or so.
[ETA: [link] ]
Hey, Sail - it's been quite a while since I posted with you! How are you doing?
Also, we had a horrible weather yesterday - yucky scorcher, lots of dust everywhere, followed by crazy strong winds. Today, however, is much better. So I hope the trend of luck continues for all of you guys, too, weather-wise.
[Edited because "wuite" may be a new form to write "quite a while", but I've never seen it.]
Good news, Tom! I love it when my laziness pays off.
Jesse, I just did something stoopid, with email. Sorry about that.
::shakes fist::
Heh, no problem.
lots of dust everywhere, followed by crazy strong winds.
Oh yuck. That does sound crapola.
Hi, Nilly! I've been busy as a bee at work, but at home (as I am today) I'm a veritable sloth.
I'm glad you're hoping for a better day, today! Your weather sounds as unpleasant in its own way as ours has been. Are your holidays done now? I'm a complete ignoramous when it comes to the Jewish celebrations.
Whee! 4 more sells on ebay. 15 books gone.
Maybe after I eat and do some knitting, I will list some of the bigger items I have.
OH! also need to relist A/C on craigslist.
How about you?
Other than checking the dictionary for "veritable" (yay, I learned a new word!), I'm still pretty much in the "not Passover anymore! Let's spread crumbs around!" phase of the after-holiday.
[Edit: Hee. I just answered your edited question, unknowingly. The last holiday was Wednesday. Then we had one day of work and then the weekend, and now there's a whole full week of no holiday in between! Then, next week, the day of indenendence, just so we'd remember what it's like to have a day off. This time of year is a bit crazy.]
Let's spread crumbs around!" phase of the after-holiday.
This is when everyone needs a dog, for crumb disposal. Cats aren't very good at it.
looks at all the crumbs around her chair
Nope, no good at it at all.