I am jealous of your wee drink.
I grabbed some TJ's marg mix a while back but I have no ice. And no tequila cause I have to find the state-sanctioned one. Still.
I have no margarita.
Well I can have a virgin margarita, neat. But really? What's festive about that?
(eta: Huh. It's the very very first-world version of wishing I had a root.)
Thanks, Perkins. I'm taking a look at Zappos right now but I think my abhorrence for current fashion is going to be a problem. Whereas I can find a pair of boots I like, I'm sure, I can't find a pair of dress shoes or shoes suitable for work that I like. I wish it were as easy for me to learn to make shoes as it has been to sew. Then I'd be my own cobbler in a second.
Argh. The Frat Boys next Door are doing that thing where they're not having a party, just maybe 3 friends over, and they're not being consistently loud, just stepping out for a cigarette or a cell phone chat on the deck every 15 minutes. Except it's gorgeous, so I have the windows open, and every time they step outside and start to talk in semi-drunk tones of voice they wake me up. I don't even feel justified in complaining, which somehow makes it worse.
Okay, so I just skipped a bagillion posts. Anything exciting happen in the last fortnight?
California seceded from the Union and finally put Emperor Norton on his rightful throne.
I'm having a serious problem with motiviation this morning.
But it's Saturday, Sue. That's what they are for.
But I can't even motivate myself to do things I want to do! The main barrier is I need to shower, and my apartment's cold, so I don't really want to get into a shower.
Oh, that is bad. Maybe coffee, or a nap?
a nap
Ha! I have been in and out of bed like a jack in the box all morning.
I seem ot have acquire some zip. I have oatmeal, and I've jacked up the heat in the bathroom. I may have to give into the cursed caffeine too.