One of our consultants is speaking at a major conference soon.
His chosen topic?
"How To [do what we have a brand new product offering to do that we charge people a lot of money for and that he personally is charged with selling] For Free."
"How To [do what we have a brand new product offering to do that we charge people a lot of money for and that he personally is charged with selling] For Free."
HOW does he not see the problems inherent in this?
Seriously. Motivation. With the work now. Especially as tomorrow's a write-off, what with the career fair thing (yay career fair!). MUST WRITE.
It's just kind of mindboggling, isn't it?
We get around, and then some.
Which reminds me - met a guy from Jamaica who now lives in my nabe and is a software developer. V. odd.
The caffeinated soap is absorbed through the skin
Mmmmm. Alas, the site says it's out of stock. I wonder why they went with peppermint instead of making it coffee scented?
I wonder why they went with peppermint instead of making it coffee scented?
So your co-workers won't start licking you the second you walk in?
I imagine synthetic coffee scent would smell terrible.
Yeah, most of the coffee-flavored cosmetics I've encountered have not smelled good. Or much like coffee.
Would the scent have to be synthetic? I guess I don't really know how scents work.