It seems to me you've talked about your family's general build, but I can't remember if you were talking about booty scarcity or abundance.
It's not the fullest trunk, but it has its share of junk. There's an upper limit to the waist/hip ratio a skirt that short can cover politely. It would still be polite on me, but I'd have a limited range of motion.
Well, back in the day (and in some places still) women were literally property and their value was hymen-based. Her virtue was her family's virtue -- it wasn't 'hers' to give away. It really WAS "it's mine and you can't have it unless I say so" on the part of Fathers.
When you leave out the property rights it just comes off as dirty.
Slavery or pervy really seem to be the only options when Daddy is overly interested in such things.
t whistles
Heeeeerrrrreeeee motivation,motivation, motivation! Heeeeeerrrrrrreeee motivation, motivation, motivation! I have some nice things for you to do this morning!
When you leave out the property rights it just comes off as dirty.
I find when you put them in, it's still dirty. It's a hymen, after all.
Heeeeerrrrreeeee motivation,motivation, motivation! Heeeeeerrrrrrreeee motivation, motivation, motivation! I have some nice things for you to do this morning!
And I just realized that the paper I've been more or less blowing off is 60% of the grade for that class. Due Monday. Argh.
I find when you put them in, it's still dirty. It's a hymen, after all.
Well, at least with the property rights he didn't give so much of an impression of wanting to, you know,
do stuff
to it. He just owned it and needed to maintain his investment.
Heeeeerrrrreeeee motivation,motivation, motivation! Heeeeeerrrrrrreeee motivation, motivation, motivation! I have some nice things for you to do this morning!
OMG, for reals. I cannot do anything except read TWOP recaps. I'm all behind and I watched lots of TV last week!
I have motivation! Of course, it's motivation to go home and go back to sleep, but still...
It's not the fullest trunk, but it has its share of junk.
I love this. I'd tag it, but these days, mine might be the fullest trunk.
Slavery or pervy really seem to be the only options when Daddy is overly interested in such things.
I think that's overstating the case, although I'd have rather died than gone to one of those dances.
Some families work themselves out that the parents feel not only are their children their responsibility, but that it actually is within their ability (beyond rules, role-modeling and other forms of influence) to ensure their children's good behavior. The dance strikes me as odd, too. As far as I know, I don't know anyone who would participate, but I can imagine knowing well meaning people who are into neither the property nor incestous angles of it, participating in such a thing.
He just owned it and needed to maintain his investment.
It shifts him to pimp, and I can't get the dirt out of that either.
Being pimped by your father is less ooky than doing him, but I feel I'm splitting hairs.