Sophia, that is so scary.
I'm having child safety thingys added to my windows. I suppose my dog COULD get through one of them and a screen, but it seems unlikely. I'm always afraid she's going to dive for a pidgeon so I never open the window more than a few inches.
Job interview tomorrow. Not looking forward.
Fine, so I start a religous cult and have Clovis be the Grand Secret Master. Just as long as nice people give us all their money.
Fine, so I start a religous cult and have Clovis be the Grand Secret Master. Just as long as nice people give us all their money.
That works. (especially since I'm not a nice person)
I need to degrumpify myself. To that end, I think people should tell us something good about their day.
eta: My good thing. I am wearing my new favorite shirt, and already gotten 2 compliments on it.
It's beautiful out -- I got to walk outside in the gorgeous weather and enjoy the sun. Also, I got paid AND I received my tax refund on Friday so I was able to buy lunch AND comics.
wearing first summer skirt of the year.
co-worker brought in Peeps.
Listened to my top-rated songs on my iPod on my walk for lunch which led to much smiling.
Iced coffee.
A man giving me his seat on the subway this morning.
Realizing we have an extra week on an upcoming project.
Getting approval from a problem client on our final piece of content.
Free boxes at work for my ebay and Amazon sales.
Damn if I am not Ms. Glass half full today.
I think people should tell us something good about their day.
Easter Monday is a holiday for gov-types here. Thus, I am chillaxin'. Sunny and cool outside, so I wandered up to Starbucks and read the paper, while Sinatra crooned in the background. I have a new shirt that my friendofthefamily/Aunt sent from San Jose, and I like it. Relaxing day.
I've hung up almost all of the decor items that have been laying about un-decor-ish since I moved in. I just had a Drumstick (the ice cream treat, not the bird part). It's fantastic outside.
First day of vacation! Beautiful day, I've been wandering around shopping and lunching.