Shoot giant packing rubber bands into the printing press to jam up the works?
Oops, no, that's what the soon-to-be-laid-off did here when they shut down the old-fashioned presses in favor of Print-on-Demand computerized equipment.
As long as you eradicate any sign of your presence from the system, you're good to go!
Anything you want to print out before you trash it?
My goodness, it feels like it's been ages since I've been here, but I thought I'd come by and check out the new thread. I've been too busy to even spit, but hell, it's lunch time and I get to websurf, dangit.
Gee. In the next 5 hours, I have to get lunch, input 3 days worth of time and do about 15 minutes worth of shelving.
I hope the stress doesn't kill me.
In other news, people are going to continue proving they are too stupid to live right up to the bitter end today.
Well, if you're looking for something to kill the time, going postal is an option.
Go into your HR file and change the contact numbers so they can't reach you monday morning when they really start panicking?
You think you have stress, Perkins? I have a whole hour to fill before I can leave.
neener I'm not working!
But I did call a plumber. Yay for Angie's List!
Me, too (another hour before I can leave).
Much less stress today, though, since I just found out that to be able to afford my move to my new apartment, I only have to borrow $150 from Dad instead of $1000 (involves some serious number shuffling, but it works!), and that's only until I get my security deposit back from the current place by middle of June. Yay! 'Cause I really hate to hit Dad up for cash, especially after he gave me some for my b-day present just a few weeks ago.