Although I'm getting better at the signs, I still have the wrinkle of "Well, he liked me last week. He could be married to someone he just met by now."
Yes, it's quite insane. But that's what a lack of clarification does for me. I don't believe he is married. I just acknowledge that he might still like me, and then again he might not. He doesn't owe me anything. Stuff happens. If he's never said anything in the first place, he doesn't even have to tell me he changed his mind.
I've had to point it out to my mother when she's been hit on. It's been pretty funny. The woman can preen like nobody's business.
I'm usually very aware of it when someone is hitting on me (as opposed to just general flirting, which is a way of life for me). It's the sussing out if there's a deeper interest that I can't seem to do.
Oh, no, I'm sorry. Thinking you're Neuter Girl, not so FG.
On the flipside of that, girl I pined for in highschool that I ended up having a relationship with much later, was like-wise oblivious at the time. When we finally got together years later, we were talking about our highschool days and I confessed to my crush on her back then and she was taken aback. She then went and asked everyone that had known us both back then that she was still in contact with and they all said "Yeah, I knew that. How did you not know?" Including her mother. Which we both found kind of funny.
What's the difference between flirting and hitting on?
Also, has this been answered this before?
Because, um, I'm leaving, I'm so very, very tempted to tell one of our AEs that I am
a graphic designer, and her requests are inappropriate.
I think I even can phrase this diplomatically.
I feel validated in the knowledge that, not only do I never know when somebody is hitting on me, I never know when somebody is hitting on anybody else.
Equal cluelessness for everybody!
I need big poster-cards with capital-letters and pointy arrows on them, and possibly a cheering section (face-painting, costumes, and pregame tailgating optional).
What's the difference between flirting and hitting on?
IMO, a sexual harassment lawsuit.