On the almost died thing, I can only think of three:
Fifth grade, riding my bike home from school, the front tire got caught in a crack in the sidewalk, and my bike flipped over. I landed pretty much head-first on the pavement. All exposed skin got pretty badly scratched up, I needed a bunch of stitches in my face, and my helmet cracked. I'm pretty sure that could have been my skull cracking if I hadn't been wearing the helmet. (Somehow, my back and neck were pretty much OK.)
The other two were traffic accidents. Second one was flooding roadway and driving too fast, led to car spinning across three lanes of oncoming traffic. I was in the backseat, and had a moment where I was just watching a car getting closer and closer to my door. It stopped with less than a foot to spare. The first traffic accident was a family vacation. The car in front of us had a cooler on the roof. The cooler fell off, opened up, and a whole roast turkey started rolling across the highway. (This was I-95, somewhere in Virgnia.) My dad braked to avoid hitting the turkey, and the car behind us, which was a minivan towing a UHaul, couldn't stop in time.
Matt, I'm glad your dad's tests went well.
I got 8 out of 10 on the history quiz. I missed the mudslinging and Jefferson and Adams dying on the 4th of July.
Hey, when we say "water once existed on Mars" does that just mean "liquid"? Couldn't it have been seas or rivers of amonia or something?
(Maybe I shouldn't watch PBS)
I think I'm recording what you're watching, Trudy. Not that that in any way answers your question.
I only got 4 out of 10 -- shameful, I must admit that I thought that the
Manhattan question was false because I thought it was more like $34.00 in goods not $700.00.
I'm watching Top Chef and it's amusing me.
I thought I'd missed a big Bones watch and post -- but guess not this week, huh?
I'm on tape delay so I can watch last week's and this week's with my friend tomorrow.
well, I have to go to bed now. bye
5/10. I'll admit to gullibility on the
question, and plain old ignorance on a few others, but I thought that the
Dutch purchase of Manhattan one was a trick question -- the Dutch colony never even came close to filling the whole island, and I wrongly assumed that they only bought the land they lived on.
Death? Hmm. Driving down highway 50 in the Sierras with a totally certifiable friend of my brother's, although no accident, just holy terror.
Getting lowered from a climb to discover that I hadn't actually belted my harness: that was fun. I probably wouldn't have died, but I would have been badly hurt.
Hmm. Too many near-misses on the highway to count, I expect. And getting cut off by jackass drivers when I was on a bicycle, again too many to count.
No muggings, car accidents, shark attacks, or other exciting experiences.