I only got 4 out of 10 -- shameful, I must admit that I thought that the
Manhattan question was false because I thought it was more like $34.00 in goods not $700.00.
I'm watching Top Chef and it's amusing me.
I thought I'd missed a big Bones watch and post -- but guess not this week, huh?
I'm on tape delay so I can watch last week's and this week's with my friend tomorrow.
well, I have to go to bed now. bye
5/10. I'll admit to gullibility on the
question, and plain old ignorance on a few others, but I thought that the
Dutch purchase of Manhattan one was a trick question -- the Dutch colony never even came close to filling the whole island, and I wrongly assumed that they only bought the land they lived on.
Death? Hmm. Driving down highway 50 in the Sierras with a totally certifiable friend of my brother's, although no accident, just holy terror.
Getting lowered from a climb to discover that I hadn't actually belted my harness: that was fun. I probably wouldn't have died, but I would have been badly hurt.
Hmm. Too many near-misses on the highway to count, I expect. And getting cut off by jackass drivers when I was on a bicycle, again too many to count.
No muggings, car accidents, shark attacks, or other exciting experiences.
Skipping-sigh-and-poking-head to post that, according to the Buffista Calendar, today is Raq's birthday (and only, what, three days after Mal's first birthday?), so lots of wishes for a great day and a wonderful year are coming her way.
Near death? There have certainly been situations that had the potential to be much worse, but I've been mostly unscathed. Car story—In the car I did a spectacular spinning backwards leap over the curb landing directly between a utility pole and a streetlight with about 2' clearance on either side. Since I was going backward, I was thrown back into the seat and was fine. The car had a blown tire and a very neat 90°corner dent in one rim. Gun story—While watching tv at my last apartment there was a shootout directly outside my window. At least two guys were running away while shooting behind them. Aim was not a factor. (I'd just like to note that I did not go to the window at the sound of gunfire. I was already sitting inches from the window and saw a bit of the action as I moved away.)
I have 4 W-2s and 6 1099s. I think that makes three fewer than last year with the allowance that not all my employers are required to send me a form. Just thinking about doing my taxes makes me weary.
::waves at Nilly::
Happy Birthday, Raq!
I've spent the last hour submitting info about my gig to various online calendars, having to reformat several times. Bleagh. Me no want to work tomorrow.