Thanks for the tip, bt. I have it in now...I think. Needless to say, a hidden uninstalled autosave is entirely stupid. This doesn't reach the stupid of not prompting when you close a worksheet unintentionally, though.
At least I had the partner who heads the technology committee try to save my document at 2 this morning. Perhaps he'll be convinced to upgrade, although as far as he's concerned, every piece of software we use "sucks."
Then why do you authorize it, jackhole.
Were you able to recover any of the work?
I guess ironically I closed it because I was in another sheet trying to figure out a trick to make the data entry faster. So at least I had learned that trick. But it'll take another couple hours to enter everything in again.
Thanks for the tip, bt. I have it in now...I think. Needless to say, a hidden uninstalled autosave is entirely stupid.
Yup. It seems Microsoft recognised this too, it's become easier in the later versions.
I am not getting a cold. Just because I've got that weird burning in my nose and I was around a sick toddler this weekend does not mean I am getting a cold. It does not.
msbelle reminded me I really need to trim the cats' claws. Soon. Sorry, sweetie.
Why am I earwormed with "Afternoon Delight"? Because right now it's morning, and even if it were the afternoon, I have no baby who I could find and hold tight....
A friend of mine in high school had such a filthy bedroom that her mother would periodically go in while she was at school, bag literally EVERYTHING (dirty clothes, dishes, tapes, shoes, etc.) up in big, green plastic garbage bags and lock them in the truck of her car. My friend would have to buy the bags back at $5 per bag, one at a time, until she put everything in them away.
Religious beliefs of comic book superheros
J. Jonah Jameson. religious affiliation: hates Spider-Man
It's funny because it's true.
My friend would have to buy the bags back at $5 per bag, one at a time, until she put everything in them away.
Excellent plan. I once heaped my roommates' phenomenal piles of crap up in front of their doors while they were sleeping. They had to deal with it before they could get to the bathroom in the morning. Things got neater after that. The lesson? Don't piss off the one morning person in the household.
My room was always a complete tip when I was a teenager. It still usually is when i'm at home, actually, but at least now I pay rent and have a leg to stand on. I was the good daughter though, so my parents didnt particularly mind it, unless the moldy plates really started building up.
Damnit. I now have the sneezes and watery eyes.
I'm still going to procede as if I'm driving to NC this weekend (ie, cram all the prep I should have done LAST week into this week) but if this is a cold, and acts like prior colds, I'll probably be out of commission. I was lukewarm about going, but it would suck to not go because I feel like crap.