Shiny! They arrive in Dallas at 8:13 Thursday evening. They have a trade show at the Adolphus Hotel on Friday. I don't know where they're staying yet. We'll be making reservations tomorrow. I think Sheila might be staying with friends. (Sheila is sales person in my office. She totally rocks.)
Insent with info and stuff. He would love to see you even though I will suffer from envy. I just can't go for this trip and my sister is visiting from NY starting Saturday. Too complicated life is.
Did you insend to current profile address? (Just asking because I switched them since I never use the other, and it had my name on it)
That looks like stay-in kind of weather, Daisy.
How long can soup keep in the freezer?
I've already gotten a phone call telling me to stay in from Mr. J. We're supposed to get more rain, but the tv's back, so I'm not sure they're right.
stay safe and my sympathies to Mr. J
soup - I think 3 months for made food - I have to say six months is what i usually do . 3 months is more for flavor.
but I should really look to be sure
DJ, stay in and stay safe. A friend of mine, and most of her family are going to be moving to Dallas as soon as they can get their houses here sold. I will have to get the two of you to connect at some point when she knows when the move is going to be.
I forgot to add much sympathy to Mr J on his loss. I'm so sorry.
Oh, I'm not going anywhere. I have puppies and kitties and knitting and coffee and smokes and a clean (well the front part anyway) house.
Thanks, beth. I think my soup will be going in the trash. I just shouldn't freeze left-overs because I will never eat them.