Definitely depends on the toddler. Really, I find that generally it's when they run in herds that it gets hair-raising for all.
It's a lovely day here, and I'm opening windows that haven't been open in at least six months if not more. I was even so enthused that I went out and bought some seeds that allow you to plant them six weeks before last frost date... which coincidentally is today! So I'd better get crackingplanting.
It's beautiful here, too. Sunny and about 70. Daffodils and narcissi are starting to bloom. I have windows open, and as soon as I watch 24, I am going to blast tunes and clean, clean, clean.
Safe flight back, Allyson.
If it's any consolation, it's supposed to be much nicer by Tuesday, but MAN. Typical New England March weather seems to have followed me out to the West Coast. Gray. Cloudy. Cold. Rainy. Feh.
It's freaking gorgeous out. But have I spent much time outside? Nope.
Lay on the floor in my pjs and listened to TAL. And yelled at the ceiling.
Watching Mister Kitty closely. He let out one of those unearthly gonnahork yowls and I got him over the sink. He's acting very very subdued now. Mrph.
We've got all the windows open wide, but I'm still in the clutches of DeathCold2006, so I'm enjoying the weather from the comfort of my sofa.
It's sunny and cloudy here. I'm watching old Due South episodes and giggling at the slashy banter. This was indeed a fun show.
Eventually I'll get around to watching BSG. Sounds like it was a doozy of an episode.
It is cold. like 40's here. I don't have a lot of clothes for this weather
I'm bundled in a fleece blanket, but in an hour or so I have to go watch my niece play softball. I shall bundle.
Echoing the other eastcoasters - lovely day. I gave platelets this morning, then went and met my brother's new foster dog. another chow chow mix, this one a girl and WHAT A DOLL! She has none of the barking and lunging at people/dogs/bikes thing that Tucker had.
Now am home and having some lunch. I kinda konked out on the subway, so I may take a nap later. Maybe on the floor in the kid room since the sun is hitting there and sleeping with the sun on me sounds like a great idea.
I just mercilessly pruned my scented geranium within an inch of its life. It may just kill it in the end, but its exisitence as of late in its unpruned state was sad, pitiful, and ugly, to say the least.