Posted this in Natter, but here is clearly more logical.
Looking for a light, fun Summer read for my book club. We have two rules - can't be TOO new (must be available in paperback, and preferably used) and can't be TOO long. Also, we have interesting demographics - all women, but our ages range from 29 to 80. Really.
Also, was wondering, does anyone know of a good work of fiction with Quakers as central characters? Something not too old. Basically, what I am looking for is the Quaker equivalent of Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult.
For the book club, any particular interests beyond a fun read? And what kinds of things have they liked (or hated) in the past?
Let's see...
The Glass Castle (Walls)
Midwives (Bohjalian)
The Memory Keeper's Daughter (Edwards)
In Her Shoes (Weiner)
The Time Travellers Wife (Niffenegger)
The Mermaid Chair (Kidd)
Mixed Reviews:
Atonement (McEwan) (I think I was the only one who liked it)
Annie Freeman's Fabulous Traveling Funeral (Radish)
Inca Gold (Cussler)
Tales From the Bed (Estess)
Of course, we rarely all agree, but we do a rating system so we have an "overall consensus." I should also point out that this is more of a Social Club that happens to read. Only Emily and I really care about discussing the books, and we often end up discussing them amongst ourselves via email and whatnot, because our meetings tend to be 90% gab fest and feasting and 10% actual book discussion. It's just for fun, its a great group.
Calla, I just pinged my mom, who helps manage a couple of book clubs through her bookstore. I'll report back as soon as she does.
Life of Pi is boring my eyes out of their sockets!
Me, too!!! I read that this summer. Well, I actually started it the last week of April, but it took me until mid-July to finish it. I kept reading it in starts and stops because it just couldn't hold my interest.
Thanks JZ!
I liked Life of Pi.
Man, I don't fit in around here, huh? ;)
Man, I don't fit in around here, huh? ;)
Piffle. We've missed you around here.
I am about a quarter of the way through
The Golden Compass.
I'm really liking it! I need to put a hold on
The Amber Spyglass
so the library has it ready when I finish this.
I liked Life of Pi a LOT (except the very end, which pissed me off), and I think I'm generally pretty unwilling to read boring.
P-C, you'll want
The Subtle Knife
Amber Spyglass.