Let's see...
The Glass Castle (Walls)
Midwives (Bohjalian)
The Memory Keeper's Daughter (Edwards)
In Her Shoes (Weiner)
The Time Travellers Wife (Niffenegger)
The Mermaid Chair (Kidd)
Mixed Reviews:
Atonement (McEwan) (I think I was the only one who liked it)
Annie Freeman's Fabulous Traveling Funeral (Radish)
Inca Gold (Cussler)
Tales From the Bed (Estess)
Of course, we rarely all agree, but we do a rating system so we have an "overall consensus." I should also point out that this is more of a Social Club that happens to read. Only Emily and I really care about discussing the books, and we often end up discussing them amongst ourselves via email and whatnot, because our meetings tend to be 90% gab fest and feasting and 10% actual book discussion. It's just for fun, its a great group.
Calla, I just pinged my mom, who helps manage a couple of book clubs through her bookstore. I'll report back as soon as she does.
Life of Pi is boring my eyes out of their sockets!
Me, too!!! I read that this summer. Well, I actually started it the last week of April, but it took me until mid-July to finish it. I kept reading it in starts and stops because it just couldn't hold my interest.
Thanks JZ!
I liked Life of Pi.
Man, I don't fit in around here, huh? ;)
Man, I don't fit in around here, huh? ;)
Piffle. We've missed you around here.
I am about a quarter of the way through
The Golden Compass.
I'm really liking it! I need to put a hold on
The Amber Spyglass
so the library has it ready when I finish this.
I liked Life of Pi a LOT (except the very end, which pissed me off), and I think I'm generally pretty unwilling to read boring.
P-C, you'll want
The Subtle Knife
Amber Spyglass.
P-C, you'll want The Subtle Knife before Amber Spyglass.
Er. Yeah, that's totally what I meant! (Thanks for setting me straight, though; I totally would have gotten the wrong book!)
I kept reading it in starts and stops because it just couldn't hold my interest.
Thats my problem too, but I started it with only a few weeks before i have to have it done, and now Im down to 3 more days to finish it. 200 pages of boring, then not, then boring in 3 days!