Melissa de la Cruz's series that starts with Blue Bloods is supposed to be pretty good.
I read
Blue Bloods
and was not impressed.
Oh we're so pretty and upper-class and old-money AND we're vampires! Teen vampires who are edgy and model designer jeans!
I haven't read
but I'm sure I've had it recommended to me before. I need to add it to the list of books to look for.
I just want good paranormal novels.
How about --
by R. A. MacAvoy:
The Book of Kells
Tea with the Black Dragon
Twisting the Rope
Damiano, Damiano's Lute, Raphael
The Grey Horse
by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, the Liaden universe. In particular:
Agent of Change
Conflict of Honors
Carpe Diem
Local Custom
I just got my
Entertainment Weekly
today. Allyson's book gets its own little box at the bottom titled "Ultimate Fandom." They mention some highlights, including "Random Acts of PayPal." Pretty cool.
ooh, I'd forgotten about R.A. McAvoy - Tea with the Black Dragon is good! and the Lee/Miller Liaden books are very good, although more SF than paranormal. I liked The Tomorrow Log as well. Kim Harrison's books ... can't remember the names ... the first one's good, but I thought the following ones were less good (the main character's a witch, there are vampires, werewolves, etc.).
Grrrr. The online version of EW doesn't have the review up yet.
Will someone
transcribe the EW blurb?
I imagine there are a lot more words and details, but that's TERRIFIC!
Will someone please transcribe the EW blurb?
I knew I should have brought it with me! I was going to transcribe it last night, but A) I was tired and B) I figured it would be online soon anyway.