Ahhhhhh why must alllll my library holds come in at once? I had like three books expire before I finished them and have a few more to go and just got emails that like four more things had come in!
I just had 7 holds come in last week! And the book I started on is not grabbing me so I'm not getting off to a brisk start! They used to have a function on the website so you could put dates on your holds and space them out, but it doesn't seem to work anymore!
Which is to say, I feel your pain!
I'm pretty sure my library has a feature where you can put your hold on hold, so to speak. Suspend the hold, I want to say, while you finish your present book or whatever but don't lose your place in line.
Yeah, I recently saw that—but I had these set to auto checkout, so I already have them! Oops.
Amazon seems to have Charlotte MacLeod kindle editions running $2.99 a piece. Oops, there goes my tax refund.
Oooh, thanks for the heads up, WS!
Oooh! Thanks for the news, WS!
That's, um... Yeah, "Wow" just about sums it up.
"His dream's desert daylight diffusion dictated disturbances in the void of visual detail."
I have no idea what that's supposed to mean, but I do admire the alliteration.