I have already given away the clerical level work I did - so a temp is not an option. I work in some very specialized programs that require special permissions within the company. My main beef is that I've been told to delegate, so fine, I'm trying - but it takes two to tango - ya know?
Ahh, then I just shake my fist in their general direction on your behalf.
sj, that sucks. Best-possible-outcome-for-you-and-Dave (owner and Agent can bite me) -ma.
Is there a professional organization you can report them to for withholding information? That's just wrong, there ought to be some sort of consequences for them.
I suppose we can call the Better Business Bureau or the Realtors Association. We're going to see if they can get a 6 month lease first; then at least we know that if she sells it in that time we are safe until then and she can't just suddenly raise the rent on us. Dave is going to call Joe tonight.
Thread title:
I'm still a fan of
Spike's Bitches 30: going on 13
(...and I'd like to put in a special request for the apostrophe, this time. I don't know whether we never had an apostrophe, or if it was just this time around we didn't get one, but every time I see the apostrophelessness I get twitchy. I have issues.)
Popping into the end of this lovely thread to say:
Happy Birthday Twin Beth. It's my natal day too...and a grand day it is. I'm really enjoying mine and hope yours is your best ever.
Bless bt and the Wallybee and their delightful love. How precious are they?! Which reminds me I should get a photo of the Fella and me to share. (thanks for the fever wisdom the other week y'all. I really was completely out of my mind. Back now.)
Extra strength, high-powered ~ma to all who need/want it. I've got plenty to spare today!
The agent also claims she never showed it once in the 6 months the last renters were there. If she does start showing it on a regular basis, we are out of there.
Well... okay then. I don't hate them *quite* as much as I did before.
Happy Birthday, Beej!! I'm glad things are going well with the Fella!
Happy Birthday, Beej!!!
Well... okay then. I don't hate them *quite* as much as I did before.
You have my permission to hate them as much as you want. It has totally broken my momentum for packing stuff and right now the place feels tainted to me. I hope that goes away.
Thanks sweeties!
And, things really are good Nicole. Good like probably going to be permanent good. Which is wonderful and challenging in the huh-better-let-go-of-those-old-self-destructive-mind-habits, kinda way.
I've definitely bumped into the 'upper limit' problem lately. But am happily working through it.
Sigh. Happy.
Happy birthdays to beth and Raquel!
It was such a gorgeous day in SF that I made JZ (who's taking today off) take a walk in the park today. We went over to check out the new De Young Museum and discovered that they're having a major exhibition on the International Arts and Crafts Movement.
So freaking gorgeous! So many masterpieces. Beautiful book binding, writing tables (including the Lovelace Escriture), tapestries, chairs, calligraphy, jewelry, pottery and dresses.
I thought, Amyparker and Bev need to see this! And then realized that Bev would be coming to the F2F and it would still be showing. So I think folks might want to consider this as an outing during the F2F.