Turducken, incidentally, is something I only know of through your good selves...I think that this particular level of overindulgence hasn't really hit the UK yet.
Up until very recently, it was only in Louisiana. When I started college there (in 1999), I'd never heard of it before, and neither had anyone else I talked to from outside the deep south. Then it's just been in the past few years that people outside the area have been having it -- mostly because they recently started selling frozen ones.
Congratulations, Hil!
Ugh. I didn't mean to, but I pulled an all-nighter.
Coca-Cola Blak
DON'T DRINK IT. (I'm admittedly biased since I don't like regular, non-experimentally-flavored sodas much, but this stuff was seriously vile.)
Cass, I've got you friended on LJ, but I don't think you friended me back. I'm arliss there.
Any Bitch who'd like, and who hasn't already, is welcome to leave a note as to who you are here and I'll friend you. I find myself less able to keep up here, and I'd like to know what's going on with you.
Saturday? It hit 90. Today? 74. We turned off the ACs and opened all the windows. It's gorgeous, with a light breeze. Ideal, one might say.
One might say, if the massive willow oaks hadn't chosen today to release their load of blossoms and pollen all over everything. Benadryl, I sing my song of praise to thee.
Glad and sad to see that my school career advice matches everyone's here...and I got two doses thanks to Vocational Rehabilitation(which is rather the "jumbo shrimp" of federal agencies, as is Social Security...they don't exactly bring socialness or Security.)
But I'd hate to think it was just me.
Back from Dandenongs! This just in: Dandenongs pretty. Wallybee transcendent. Came home to find Brendan watching
which describes my weekend beautifully. (Minus Reavers.) And there are pics! (Also minus Reavers. Hooray for Photoshop!) But they're mine, and you can't have 'em. Um. Ok, maybe you can. Need to work that out.
Is there a word stronger than doomed?
Um...there was stuff. I read it, and I felt for people and bad shit happened, and I cared. And then I forgot what it all was, 'cause I suck! So, hugs and kisses all around.
Hey, vw, mind if I tag?
billytea, on the way to my mother's house for dinner yesterday, somehow the topic of voting was raised. I mentioned to the kids that I thought voting was compulsory, in Australia. Was I correct? If so, what do they do to people who don't vote? The kids want to know.
billytea, on the way to my mother's house for dinner yesterday, somehow the topic of voting was raised. I mentioned to the kids that I thought voting was compulsory, in Australia. Was I correct? If so, what do they do to people who don't vote? The kids want to know.
1. You speak the truth.
2. There's a fine of $100 for not voting, which can be avoided if the voter has reason for an exemption (there are exemptions for religious reasons, for instance).
A person can of course deliberately submit an invalid vote without penalty.
I just want there to be some light at the end of this. But I don't see it right now. I just don't. That kills me.
Ah, the reason you can't see it, Cass is that
the light at the end of this.
You're the grownup who never lies to her. You're the grownup who is always kind to her. You're the grownup who is happy and loving and considerate. And when she lives through this rediculous pergatory, which she will, YOU are the reason she will know what a good and beautiful person SHE can be.
Awwwww, cute überdoomed bt!
Re: career councelling. I don't believe I ever got any. (That could explain a lot. Or, looking at other's experiences, not.) I had a councelor tell me I was taking too many AP/Honors classes. (I kept an "A" average that year.) I had advisors sign off on college classes. Otherwise, it was just assumed I'd go to college and become a teacher of some sort.