Ugh, Raq, I hate the thought of losing stuff forever. I'm sorry.
job~ma to Windsparrow, and I'm happy for you that you stood up for yourself and didn't allow her to speak to you like that.
ChiKat- hooray for Michelle and hope there aren't anymore little surprises in store for you.
Yesterday was an exhausting but mostly nice day. We got up pretty early, cleaned the the house, went shopping, and then my parents and grandmother came to the house and hung out, followed by 3 of my good friends. So we all hung out and had a nice time. Went out to dinner afterward with my family, and walking from the restaraunt to the hotel (right next to each other, but have to cut through a couple parking lots) I noticed a guy in front of us stumble when he wasn't expecting a step down. I processed the information a little too slowly and shouted to my dad, a few steps ahead of me, watch your step!
Too late. He stumbled, fell face first on the pavement. He's 61 years old, still has limited mobility, and has already broken bones from falling.
He's moaning in pain, and my 89 year old grandmother (his mom) cries out, and RUNS TO HIM, tripping and falling over the same step down and coming down and landing on the back of her HEAD with a sickening thump.
My dad and my grandma, bith have been so fragile, fallen down at full speeds, lying next to each other in pain. I am surprised I did not wake up this morning with a full head of white hair.
Anyway, they are able to walk back to the hotel, my dad's palms and knees are scraped up, but he's fine, but I was certainly more concerned about the almost 90 year old's HEAD INJURY. There was a bump the size of an Easter egg on the back of her head.
We get Grandma changed, and settled in, and ice for her head. I make my mom promise to sleep in the same room with her. (She's an RN who works with the elderly) Tom and I walk home and I... just... lose... it.
Everything's OK, I hope, I will feel better once I know that Grandma's awake and OK and not sick or concussion-y.
Oh Nora, your poor family. Your poor you. How awful.
Snuggles Nora.
Ok, the snuggles are from me, the "nb" is from Harvey, who insisted, more insistently than usual on standing on the keyboard just now. I'm not sure what exactly it means but I'm sure it is warm, loving wishes for calm rest for you, and healing rest for your Dad and Grandmother.
Silly Andi, clearly, it means
Nora Beautiful.
Yikes ChiKat! That is scary. And go Michelle with her mad fraud detecting skillz.
Yay for vw’s most excellent adventure in NYC.
Askye’s uncle is an asshat not even worthy of being on The List.
Andi, you did the right thing. I quit my very first “real” job when I was a teen because the boss yelled at me. I have never regretted it and I have never accepted abuse from an employer (or anyone else) since then. There is always a better option.
Eeeek Raq. Another copy somewhere ~ma.
Vibes for Kerri and family. Scary stuff.
Nice shoes Spidra.
{{Nora’s family}} Oh my. Yes I think you probably did sprout a few white hairs there. Sounds like a rather dangerous parking lot.
I was completely lazy yesterday. Did a bunch of laundry and watched a number of Doctor Who episodes. The boys have gone fishing today and I am planning on being lazy again. We bought a new to us boat. It’s very nice. We cruised the intercoastal north past the bigass mansions. A number of them still have residents this time of year. Not past this weekend probably. The moon rising was awesome.
We have been working crazy hectic schedules and I was neither up for going to relatives places or entertaining. When I told DH I just wanted to stay home and chill he was visibly relieved. Maybe I’ll do some weeding. Maybe not.
Silly Andi, clearly, it means Nora Beautiful.
Clearly, you are right. How silly of me not to be able to read my cat's typing.
Oh Nora, that is horrible. I hope everyone is indeed okay.
Epic, much ~ma to your friend and her family.
{{{Nora and family}}}
Much job~ma, Windsparrow. Good for you for sticking up for yourself.
Raq, that sucks. Data~ma.
Nothing much happening here. Dave and I exchanged Easter baskets this morning, made bean dip and brownies. We're headed over to my mothers for dinner in an hour or so.