Yikes ChiKat! That is scary. And go Michelle with her mad fraud detecting skillz.
Yay for vw’s most excellent adventure in NYC.
Askye’s uncle is an asshat not even worthy of being on The List.
Andi, you did the right thing. I quit my very first “real” job when I was a teen because the boss yelled at me. I have never regretted it and I have never accepted abuse from an employer (or anyone else) since then. There is always a better option.
Eeeek Raq. Another copy somewhere ~ma.
Vibes for Kerri and family. Scary stuff.
Nice shoes Spidra.
{{Nora’s family}} Oh my. Yes I think you probably did sprout a few white hairs there. Sounds like a rather dangerous parking lot.
I was completely lazy yesterday. Did a bunch of laundry and watched a number of Doctor Who episodes. The boys have gone fishing today and I am planning on being lazy again. We bought a new to us boat. It’s very nice. We cruised the intercoastal north past the bigass mansions. A number of them still have residents this time of year. Not past this weekend probably. The moon rising was awesome.
We have been working crazy hectic schedules and I was neither up for going to relatives places or entertaining. When I told DH I just wanted to stay home and chill he was visibly relieved. Maybe I’ll do some weeding. Maybe not.