Epic, much ~ma to your friend and her family.
{{{Nora and family}}}
Much job~ma, Windsparrow. Good for you for sticking up for yourself.
Raq, that sucks. Data~ma.
Nothing much happening here. Dave and I exchanged Easter baskets this morning, made bean dip and brownies. We're headed over to my mothers for dinner in an hour or so.
Nora, how horrible! I know I would have sprouted (more) white hairs from that. {{Nora and family}}
Epic, much ~ma to Kerri and family.
Sparky and I were supposed to go to the Petaluma outlet mall today, but then I realized that it was scary, can't see the trees in front of my balconey rainy out, so we agreed to go next weekend.
I believe that in the absense of going out and spending money, I shall stay at home and read and watch old movies all day.
Watching the latest
I have. Pirates!
Is it wrong to have popcorn for breakfast?
I am cleaning house and doing loads of laundry in prep for the visit of the BF's mother, otherwise known as "Eagle-Eye" for her insanely high housekeeping standadrds. This is a woman who, a week after major back surgery, was staying at her daughter's in order to recuperate. because she was supposed to do nothing Her daughter came home and found her on a box on top of the dining room table, because she noticed dust on the ceiling blade fans.
had brunch with the family, they are OK. Now I am trying to shame my dad into looking where he's walking.
I am so tired (was before all the excitement) and the thought of dealing with the CRAZY extended family this afternoon kind of makes me want to cry, but I've been doing too much of that.
Thanks for the good wishes. The hardest part, after the actual witnessing, has been trying to not think about how bad it could have been. Trying just to focus on how that doesn't matter, because everything's fine.
Had a nice brunch. We're home now, and Tom is making hot cross buns to take with us to dinner.
sending health vibes to Nora's fanily - and a little grace tot.
Today we are going to ride an old train , cook steaks in the rain to celbrate too much food day and my birthday(tuesday) with my sister and bil.
Happy birthday NoiseDesign !
Nora--when the "how bad it could have been" gets into your brain, try combating it with "how great it could have been". Instead of tripping and being okay, maybe they could have developed superpowers and flown over the step. Maybe the step could crumbled, because it was made of solid gold. Once you make yourself smile about it (if it works for you--it does for me when I get into fixating on dark possibilities), let go and live in the now, when they are both healthy and right here with you.
Hee, Robin. You made me smile, so the technique is working already! That's a lot of fun. Thanks!