The theater definitely looked nice when they were done! Unfortunately, no close-ups of our equipment, boo.
And then, that nasty Tom Cruise was on my TV and I turned it off. Ugh.
ION, I did find out today that hail can break car glass. I'm going to have to replace my windshield. Ugh times two.
(venturing again into Bitches) I'm afeared of the same thing in the storms that are coming tonight. You have my best insurance wishes.
Good luck, sarameg, may the weather gods go easier on your property than they did on mine. I knew I should have got a garage when I bought this condo, only I'm such a cheapass.
Rival little person KISS tribute bands. IJS. (via
I was so hoping the storm would come through while I was at work, as I have a garage there (last hailstorm that did major damage was while I was at work. I was stuck outside in an alcove and watched windshields explode.) At home, I'm in an exposed parking lot. Ahrg.
watched windshields explode
Ouch. Glad to say mine's only cracked, but I'll still replace it so it doesn't have a chance to get any worse. Also got a couple serious dents in the roof, but I'm not sure there's much that can be done to fix those.
Cute cat story. One of my cats was outside when the storm started last night and when I slid the screen door open he came running and missed the opening. He bounced off the screen, turned around and ran back out on the roof over the downstairs condo. He was so flustered I was afraid he'd fall off the roof getting hit by the hail. Took the poor little bugger two tries to get in the door. When I opened the door for him to go out tonight, I wasn't sure he was going to go! But he did.
Poor baby! (as I laugh at cats being ungraceful!)
I'm pretty sure I was in an elevator with MiniKiss last year.
Awww! Poor kitty. Which one was it, Sail?
If I hadn't been so scared for him I would have been in tears from laughter. This is the cat that still has claws! Yet, he can't jump as well as the declawed one at all and is much less graceful, although much more daring. Ah well, cats will be cats and he's still got eight more lives.