But I didn't need to be shown the Nightmare Before Christmas fireplace tools.
To clarify: Cause they cost more than I want to spend on pokey things.
BT, I saw a marmot! Are there marmots here? It was a little odd but really cute.
You'd be amazed how many animals adopt a similar philosophy come mating season.
If it took care of "mating season" needs? I'd spend a little more. I just want a nice fire that I can poke around.
BT, I saw a marmot! Are there marmots here? It was a little odd but really cute.
Yeah, they're pretty funny when you get them up to full speed.
It was nibbling grass. Should I chase the next one?
Run, Marmot, run.
It was nibbling grass. Should I chase the next one? Run, Marmot, run.
No, no, just sidle up to them. Let nature do the rest!
Twitchy little critters?
This'll be fun. Well, until the marmosets band together and put me on a Most Wanted for Pestering poster. But it's really nature's fault for making them look like they'd be good on a kabob.
Twitchy little critters?
Hey, they're rodents. It's in the job description.
Aw, damn, Pete. I think you found us someone more adorable than you!
Well, he's certainly giving Pete a run for his money, but I'm afraid that Pete still holds the sparkly crown of Adorability scary crown of entirely unendearing manliness.
ion, the bagel delivery people have now doubled (or possibly tripled) their range of bagels
added fresh home-made waffles (with blueberries or strawberries or chocolate chips)
added mini-bagels.
They're like crack dealers. Who deliver. Ngah.
Must. Return. To. Gym.
Fay! How's things? I just bought a new camera and no one cares.
Congratulations on your new camera! Is it a very sexy camera? Is it a digital one? Is it already packed with pictures of penguins and Wallybee?