In our case of city taxes, we have to pay based on residence--even though DH's job pays into a different municipality which we do not get back. They apply it to our city tax but we do have to pay substantially more.
Do you have city income taxes too Cashmere, or are you talking about property tax? And what is this school tax?
Cindy, I also think that work travel is tax deductible but not commuting expenses--so that sucks.
Right. Not to mention, does he take our brand-new, less economical, more reliable mini-van for the 80 mile daily roundtrip, leaving me cramming three kids into the Toyota, or does he risk driving the more economical Toyota, that's a 1991. Ugh. The move officially happens tomorrow (but he took tomorrow as a vacation day and has Friday off). He found out about it a week ago, which was approximately one month after he had to pack up and move over one row, in his Boston office. Craxy.
A lot of cities have considered things like commuter taxes to solve this problem, maybe Boston was successful?
Well, it's not a Boston tax. It's state income tax (and we don't live in the city of Boston, either way), so I don't think so.
It's a big issue, actually, with people earning money in the cities but not contributing to the tax base, and thus any of the infrastructure/services they use, because they go back to their homes in the suburbs or neighboring states.
I think Boston handles this other ways (tolls, etc.) but you're right, it is a big issue.
I do hope this works out your way, though, especially since I'm given to understand that there in the Soviet Republic of Taxachusetts (isn't that the neocon line?) you pay some pretty hefty ones.
We've only ever lived here, so you know, you get used to it. I crack up though, because every year, they tax you at the base rate, and then ask if you want to pay the higher rate (that was in effect before one of our recently Republican governors lowered it). Um? No. I don't believe that much in any cause that I can't support in a more direct way (like giving directly to a charity that helps people I'm concerned about, who've lost services).
I'm so glad the treatment's working, Suzi!
Adjustment ~ma for the new commute, Cindy. I hope the tax thing works out in your favor. I know DH's withholding is now CA rather than LA, but I don't know the reasoning behind it.
Also, my sister lives in Mississippi but worked in Tennessee. She paid Mississippi income tax.
Not that this matters to anyone but me, but I'm just in the mood to post about it. I've just come across information for New Hampshire residents telling them if they live in NH but work in MA, they do pay MA tax. It may be that MA and NH have an agreement (which would largely work to MA's benefit, because way more NH people work in MA, than vice versa, because there are more jobs here) that they only tax the people who make money in their state.
I decided not to go. I just don't feel like leaving the house today. I managed to shower, do some dishes, and make tomorrow's coffee. I'll try to see that as what I'm able to accomplish today.
Hey vw, considering how the day started out, that's not so bad.
That's a lot, vw. And don't forget, you will be supporting Emily through her bad day. That counts.
When I moved to Illinois from TN, IL ended up charging me IL state income tax on the income I made in TN before moving. Their "reasoning" was that I hadn't been charged income tax on it, so it was free game to them. I was very displeased.
Damn, now that's just out of line!!
That said, I work in Maryland, live in DC, but have to pay DC income tax (but don't have to pay Maryland's).
Do you have city income taxes too Cashmere, or are you talking about property tax? And what is this school tax?
We have separate municipal taxes. Comes from living in a nice, separately incorporated community nestled within the confines of a very large city. Nice when it applies to police, services, schools, etc. Not so much nice when it comes to paying additional taxes. And the school tax is new this year. A whole 'nother tax just for our particular school system. Which, as it's probably one of the top ten in the state, I'm not complaining about much.
We just took a walk down to the nearby elementary school so that Owen could play on the slide there. I'm so glad some nearby houses have been purchased recently. Our part of the neighborhood is starting to look a little nicer than last year.
Cashmere is the municipal tax based on your income though, or on the value of your property?
We pay Fed. Income Tax (duh); MA State Income Tax; Sales tax (state); Meal Tax (state) and then our real estate taxes are paid to our town, based on property value (which pays for our police, fire, schools, plowing, and other town services).
Cashmere is the municipal tax based on your income though, or on the value of your property?
Oh, it's income based. We pay a whole 'nother property tax (also higher than the surrounding areas) but since it's figured into an escrow account with our mortgage provider, it's a little bit less painful because I don't think about it and don't have to write a yearly check.
Which means we pay federal, state, municipal, school, and property. I can't even think about how much all of it adds up to. But we get relatively good service for our money. Except for the feds at the moment. I'm pretty riled about them funnelling that towards craptacular ideas like this.