Hate to say it, but I'd be very surprised if that was the case. My mom, among others, lived in one state and worked in another for years (and much of my company works in multiple states, often not including their own) and I've always seen it based on state of residence.
Mmm. It's so confusing and up in the airy, it's making me nuts. It would just be nice to know there'd be eventual effective compensation for the increased commuting costs.
I've heard the exact opposite, here--that the income is taxed by the state in which you work. A lot of people move to southern NH, because there is no sales tax, and no state income tax (although property tax is generally way higher in NH), then they find out they still have to pay their MA state taxes, because they work in Boston.
Scott's new boss lives in our state and has been working in the neighboring state for quite some time, so he'll likely know, but he hasn't had a chance to ask yet, and regardless, we'll want to confirm it with the tax people, before we make any changes to our withholding.
The state's Department of Revenue site seems to indicate we only have to file MA income taxes for income earned in MA, but it doesn't explicitly rule out out-of-state income.
A Massachusetts full year and/or part-year resident is required to file a tax return with the state of Massachusetts if his/her Mass gross income is in excess of $8000. >[link]
Even if we aren't taxed on the out-of-state income, filing the 2006 taxes in 2007 will be tricky, because through this week, the income came from MA.
vw, if you're still around, thanks for posting about Annie's Attic free pattern of the day.
I love them. Some of the patterns are WACKY, but some are really good.
Cindy, I also think that work travel is tax deductible but not commuting expenses--so that sucks.
I've heard the exact opposite, here--that the income is taxed by the state in which you work. A lot of people move to southern NH, because there is no sales tax, and no state income tax (although property tax is generally way higher in NH), then they find out they still have to pay their MA state taxes, because they work in Boston.
A lot of cities have considered things like commuter taxes to solve this problem, maybe Boston was successful?
It's a big issue, actually, with people earning money in the cities but not contributing to the tax base, and thus any of the infrastructure/services they use, because they go back to their homes in the suburbs or neighboring states.
I do hope this works out your way, though, especially since I'm given to understand that there in the Soviet Republic of Taxachusetts (isn't that the neocon line?) you pay some pretty hefty ones.
Cindy, DexH files in over 37 states every year becaise of the whole travel/work thing. Alas, when he works in states with no income tax, the excess goes back onto the home state. Wheeee.
Tennessee doesn't have a state income tax. When I moved to Illinois from TN, IL ended up charging me IL state income tax on the income I made in TN before moving. Their "reasoning" was that I hadn't been charged income tax on it, so it was free game to them. I was very displeased.
Some of the patterns are WACKY, but some are really good.
Totally! I love checking the site every day because even if its a pattern I would NEVER use, they're fun to laugh at.
Can I make it 3 in a row?? (eta: Yes! Yes, I can!)
I have class tonight and I am so over it. I so don't want to go. But, I only have 3 more (including tonight) before finals. Yay!! Almost done with it!!
Spent over 3 hours in the doctor's office today to get my iron and see the hemotologist. Gah - shouldn't have been over 90 minutes.
My hemoglobin is just barely inside the normal range again. He wants to continue the IV's to "fill the tank". Ooooooh, fun. My veins have taken to playing hide and seek lately - I think they are smarter than we give them credit.
All in all - I feel much better than I did in January. Buzzing around last Friday would have whipped me beforehand while it barely pinged my radar now.
For anyone with unexplained fatigue - ask your doc to check your iron levels. It has done wonders so far for me.