can't wait for this move to just be over. We normally get along great, but I am so stressed between my move and T and her family's move, that I seem to be pushed over the edge with the slightest little tap.
It's so stressful. There will be mutual irritation and possibly tears. As long as you can look at it right after the yuck moment passes and realize it's All About The Moving Stress, you'll be OK.
Thanks, Nora. I'll be ok. I have a lot of help, which is great, and when we are having dinner or snuggling or talking about non-apartment related stuff, there is no doubt in my mind that I we are making the right decision.
Well, I don't seem to be using mine, you want it Nora?
They are quitting the Service and moving to Portland.
What is it about Portland that draws ex-State Dept employees? (My in-laws were thisclose to moving there before my MiL got a really good job in DC, and they decided to buy a condo instead. Weird.)
He's been pretty depressed since we bought the house, and I feel hella guilty about it, because I love the house, and love Salem, and I feel like I pushed him into this. Which, no, I didn't really, but it's my tendency to blame myself for stuff when I see people I care about hurting.
Oh, that's hard. Wasn't the move, in part, for Tom to have a more reasonable commute?
Who wants to cover me while I go over there and resue that baby from a life of ridiculous parenting that borders on dangerous?
Make a quick edit to post number 8895, and the areaistas will swear you were here, the entire time.
peanut butter
(Which is total bullshit, because I've babysat ugly babies before, and all that happens is that after an hour in their company I decide they are beautiful after all and that I was just too stupid to see it before.)
JZ, I love you too much. Oh, and I keep meaning to tell you and tell you, I read Chesterton's
and saw so much of your way of thinking in his way of thinking (which made me love him even more than I would have, if I didn't know you).
Somebody did that to him, I think.
Everybody lies, especially child-abusing jackholes.
Let me do it...ain't got much to lose.
I broke my brain. I've got a note.
please send out find important papers ma~~ to matt