Like my clever and cunningly disguised way of making sure I have Bitches friended on lj?
could you friend me so I can see your pretty, please?
Me, too? I'm chikat. Surprisingly.
And done.
What with chicating being there too, it actually always takes me a head shaking minute.
Page is here: [link]
billytea, Drew was just pointing out that we need to book the Snore 'n Roar as soon as we can. When will you be in San Diego/LA?
Oooh, thanks! Extremely flattering cut!
Extremely flattering cut
Thanks! I am pleased with it.
Cass inspired me. I'm having my haircut tomorrow in a whole! new! me! effort.
Cass, I'm on my Treo and can only see a dark squinty thumbnail of the picture, but it looked good. Can't wait to actually see it.
I need a haircut and I am going to talk my stylist into my Betty bangs. If they don't look good, they'll grow out. I want to be more funky.
I also might go back to my bright red color.
I'm getting very sleepy. I might not make it to see my Tim on tv. I'm very sad.
But, also? My legs? Really hurting. Stupid, stupid me.
Aims, do either of you have next Friday night off or could get a sitter for the Punk?
ETA: Holy poorly constructed sentences, Batman.
Just called to wish my SIL a happy birthday. They were getting ready to go out for dinner. She asked for fashion advice. From me! It was kinda cute.