Isn't the Magic Bullet the Best. Thing. EVER?! Now I need a smoothie.
Ok, I know it's wrong, wrong, wrong, but my mind does NOT go to a foodie place reading that sentence.
In Other Spring News, I put a load of laundry out on the line in the backyard. It's not a foregone conclusion that it will be completely dry before dark, but it is a strong possibility. Also? I raked a bed of flowers. I'm pretty sure I didn't savage any of the new baby tiger lilies coming up, but some of the wooden blocky things that bordered the flower bed came out. I may have roughed up some grape vines, but I think they are ok. Not a foregone conclusion that the job was done thoroughly. I think it may need another going-over. But, this is, like, the first bit of yardwork I've done here independently. Hope I didn't muck it up.
Off the top of my head I can't think of an actor or athlete or otherwise famous person who regularly goes by "Rache" but I can think of bunches of the others.
Off the top of my head I can't even think of any Rachels. However, I think the difference for me is that Sue is regarded as a "real" name, and Rache is not.
The only Rachel I know now is nicknamed Ray Ray, which is hard for us to say without smiling. But past Rachels have been Rache, and the first famous Rache that comes to mind is Jennifer Aniston's character on Friends. Which is a lot of exposure.
and the first famous Rache that comes to mind is Jennifer Aniston's character on Friends. Which is a lot of exposure.
Right, but if someone asked you to
the characters on Friends you'd say "Chandler, Monica, Phoebe, Joey, Ross and Rachel"
You wouldn't say "Rache" nor, actually, would you say "Joseph."
What my folks were trying to avoid is a social re-engineering of the given name. We were at various times
Peanut or Squirt or Concrete, but our
were what our parents had picked.
Ok, I know it's wrong, wrong, wrong, but my mind does NOT go to a foodie place reading that sentence.
You are not alone in that place, WindSparrow. Oh no, you're not.
if someone asked you to name the characters on Friends you'd say "Chandler, Monica, Phoebe, Joey, Ross and Rachel"
No doubt. My point is merely that Rache is a well-known nickname for Rachel, even though not a name in and of itself (like Joey). Rachel is by no means un-nickable. You don't need to use any originality or tricks to get to Rache, just memory. Unlike your name.
Right...I think my mother wanted that for me especially because of the cutesy stuff people do to girls' names.
My mom is allergic to precious.
And I can't stop laughing at her boss' granddaughter's name because it's Gage. And I'm a Pelecanos fan. So you the kid Grass or Chronic while you're at it. Little baby Pot.
Apropos of no names at all...
I've discovered my problem working with other people. It's the other people. That is all.
My name, 'Karen', is truly un-nickable. Which is probably why I've had so many actual nicknames in my life. I'm as likely to call myself 'Jars' as 'Karen' in my head at this point.