Home from the doctor. Some notes.
1. They've taken me off the steroids. They think the side effects of ending the taper early won't be nearly as bad as the side effects for staying on them. So, there you have it.
2. I've gained 20 pounds. That's 6 more than the 14 I had lost on the diet. I am most frustrated.
3. I am back on house arrest. Feet are to be up through the weekend. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to listen to them on this one. I have an exam on Saturday. And dammit. I don't want to have to drop another freaking class.
4. I appear to still have my job. The sobbing on the phone when I called in may have helped.
5. They're re-running all the blood tests again on Monday morning to see where things are.
6. I am SO frustrated. I just don't even know where to begin. I think, though, it'll be with a nap.
Best wishes, vw. I hope this difficult time ends soon.
{{{{{{{{{{{vw}}}}}}}}}}} I'm so sorry. I hope you start feeling better much quicker than your doctor predicts.
Nap sounds like an excellent place to begin, vw. Rest and get better.
A nap certainly won't hurt. Especially as late as you were up last night.
{{{vw}}} I hope you start feeling better fast. Steroids make you retain water, so I suspect some of that weight will go away soon.
I'm not sure I'm going to be able to listen to them on this one.
I've never been able to rest as much as doctors have recommended. I suspect all those doctors had someone else doing the laundry and buying the groceries.
Ginger - sometimes I don't know what doc's are thinking. My mom started home dialysis a month or so ago. Recently she has been showing me how to set-up the stuff. Those bags of solution are heavy! For someone who is ill and weak, that is quite a job to do each night. But they just ship the supplies weekly and expect her to be able to handle it all by herself. My mom is stubborn (duh) and still doing fairly well most days, but not all dialysis patients are. Just boggle.
vw, I know it's frustrating as hell, and it sucks, and the universe has dealt you WAY more than your fair share of crappy situations in a short amount of time, but -- your health is *so* much more important than making it to work, or even school. If you have to drop another class, the world won't end. I promise. But if you push and push and push yourself to maintain a regular schedule even though your body is saying "Erm, excuse me....pardon me....HEY!!!! CUT ME SOME SLACK!!!!", you could end up even sicker.
Take care of your health, honey. The rest will work itself out.