Thanks Spidra. Your thoughts are my thoughts. Which is why I work so hard to NOT take drugs. Go immune system go!
And, oh yeah on the probiotics. But yogurt is out because calcium binds with the Cipro and causes undermetabolization (a word? probably not.)
An acupuncturist friend recommended saurkraut to alkalyze the body. It's really worked to reduce some of the symptoms.
dream hangover, that's a good word for it. usually movies and books don't really effect my dreams that much . I wish I knew when or why they did.
Just had a half-hour talk with my boss. He's really great. It was very encouraging. He really believes in me and thinks that not only will I be able to make this work, but be one of the most successful Student RAs they've had. It was nice.
Cool. It is nice when some has faith in you.
Yeah. It really, really is.
Yay vw - you needed something positive.
Me - I'm feeling good. For some reason I have on the rose colored glasses today, and I don't mind. How odd is that?
the real trageties of the day.
the cat is mad at me because I won't give him stinky food
My right foot fell asleep
I smashed a finger between the chair and the desk
I need to go to the grocery store.
K-Bug had fantastic softball game, for those keeping score (ha-ha). She went 4 for 4 with a double and a triple. She had the hottest bat of the game. Yes, I'm a proud mama.
Ass kickin' K-bug!
Hey, look at all the sweet schmoop lying around the board this morning. Beej is having the intimacy, and Billytea's got a regular gf, and Teppy's Umfriend is being a good friend.
Pretty hair, Andi.
I just got to play with the microfilm machine again. I just love microfilm. There's something so joyful about the whole process of accessing information that way.
Yes. I am a geek.