I was prescribed Cipro after a course of a more moderate anti-biotic didn't work (I think this was another sinus infection or perhaps a UTI a couple years ago). I don't remember having bad side-effects.
But don't be too surprised if it takes a while to work. Because of the proliferation of stupid stuff like "anti-bacterial soap", and the huge population of homeless and uninsured people who are less likely to take the full course of their anti-biotics, bacteria are getting more resistant to the anti-biotics in our arsenal. I've been taking Augmentin for a week and I'm still having the symptoms that brought me in to the doctor in the first place, just a little bit milder. Of course, I may have been misdiagnosed...
I hope you feel better, Beej.
Take some pro-biotics, Beej.
eta: Oooh, I out-slutted Trudy.
~ma to them what needs it.
last night I watched the Depp version of Charlie and teh Choclate factory. I had wierd dreams all night . there was definatley some sort of murder in one dream. and I made a bridal dress for a bulldog I know. But somewhere in my dreams I did something , or had to do something that make me very anxious. I still can't remember what it was, but it took me awhile after I woke up to realize the uneasy feeling of dread came from my dreams, not real life. blech.
Beth, dream hangovers are jarring, even when they're good. Sometimes I think I resolve stuff while I'm asleep. I may be deluding myself, but it seems like such an efficient use of time.
health-ma and resolution-ma for everyone getting jerked around by Life.
Thanks Spidra. Your thoughts are my thoughts. Which is why I work so hard to NOT take drugs. Go immune system go!
And, oh yeah on the probiotics. But yogurt is out because calcium binds with the Cipro and causes undermetabolization (a word? probably not.)
An acupuncturist friend recommended saurkraut to alkalyze the body. It's really worked to reduce some of the symptoms.
dream hangover, that's a good word for it. usually movies and books don't really effect my dreams that much . I wish I knew when or why they did.
Just had a half-hour talk with my boss. He's really great. It was very encouraging. He really believes in me and thinks that not only will I be able to make this work, but be one of the most successful Student RAs they've had. It was nice.
Cool. It is nice when some has faith in you.
Yeah. It really, really is.
Yay vw - you needed something positive.
Me - I'm feeling good. For some reason I have on the rose colored glasses today, and I don't mind. How odd is that?