Cass, I can't believe the price of that house! I had no idea SD real estate had inflated itself that much.
It's pretty shocking. And what this place would be worth if it were restored. Crazy. I live in North Park, on the edge of Hillcrest so it's one of the higher areas that isn't an enclave like La Jolla or Fairbanks Ranch.
My favorite airport acronym was always NKW, it's the designator for Diego Garcia. We used to say it stood for "No Known Whereabouts."
Huh. Never knew that was DG's code. I do know it's seven degrees south of the equator, as useless DG facts go.
And SA gets it in one.
D'OH! I confuzzled Trader Joe's and Tiajuna. Obviously. Because they are soooo similar.
If it makes you feel better, the one made me think of the other. And both have yummy food. And...okay I think that's it.
I should maybe go there while it is still only 15 miles away. I could stock up on cheap tequila and underage hookers. Of which I like neither, but they are total bargins.
Yes! This is my point (or parts of it are - you shop for what you want while I pick up cheap woven blankets & maybe pottery, K?)
Thought you might like one last excursion. I feel confident I won't be as entertaining as Trudes (or require Federalistas), but, well, I'm here! Yay Proximity!
favorite airport acronym
The (relatively) new airport in northwest Arkansas is XNA. Pronounced "ixnay" by those of us who are not fans of Wal*Mart.
Thanks for the NZ info Sparky! Why don't I have relatives living in cool countries, dang it?
I would LIKE paczkis, but have none here. TWO different people brought doughnut holes to work today though. It was evil. I ate four or five. (In addition to my breakfast and lunch and so on. I'm trying to diet. That was not a good addition)
Kristin, that flood of mold and water sounds super gross. I'm glad it wasn't in your HOUSE like I first thought, though!
Dude. I don't score as well on the NZ thing as on the Canada thing, and that's AFTER marking myself as someone with six or more years experience in one of their "growth industries" or whatever (biotechnology). Bastards. I do like that they ask about your "partner" rather than "husband or wife".
Oh my GOD. There is a girl on American Idol called AYLA. Like, Clan of the Cave Bear. Dear god.
SA, why do you need a loan? That seems like a risky venture, since it wouldn't be a student loan. Wouldn't you be making money in the UK?
Oh my GOD. There is a girl on American Idol called AYLA. Like, Clan of the Cave Bear. Dear god.
And she is just exactly that age, isn't she? Ew.
Yeah. I hadn't watched any American Idol yet this season, and I was actually pleasantly surprised (most of them can mostly sing AND paula is making SENSE!), until the girl who's singing just now. I'm like "dude, 90% of people who try this song at karaoke are better than you" and Paula and Randy are gushing over her. Sigh. Maybe I should turn off the Idol....
Did she invent fire, orgasms and the Internet?
See, that would be just waaay TMI about my mother's psyche at the time of my birth.
Yes, Erin. Also, singing. And sex appeal. And makeup.