I'd *completely* forgotten to get a business card with my stylists name written on it so that next time I can ask for her by name.
If you made an appointment, your name should still be on the book. She did manage to do what I thought impossible, which was to make your hair cuter.
zenkitty, it's too early to worry. He may, for example, have installed new software that keeps frelling with every single other thing he tries to do on his computer. (Okay, I may be projecting here. But my computer keeps telling me the server is busy. There is no server. Or it's the server. Either way, WTF?)
Jessica and beth have fabulous hair!
I'm at a friend's doing laundry. Oh, how I love wireless. And free laundry! I need to do some work, but I'm having too much fun playing with her son.
Oops, I forgot to mention Beth's cut, which is excellent.
There's some PBS travel program on the television.
Host: Why is this called Monkey River?
Native Guide: Well, there are a lot of monkeys.
I have washed, dried, folded and put away 4 loads of laundry today. Load #5 is in the dryer and I just started a load of diapers washing. I feel very accomplished.
Nice cut Jessica. Call to get the stylist name.
I'm making lists and checking them twice or something. Brendon is flying to Atlanta in the early morning. In Gainesville for a couple days then Atlanta on Wednesday. Back late Wednesday night. Then he is off to SoCal all next week. Between 2 school schedules and 3 sports team schedules and my work schedule I am making every effort to get super organized. My calendar is moaning.
I have washed, dried, folded and put away 4 loads of laundry today. Load #5 is in the dryer and I just started a load of diapers washing. I feel very accomplished.
Stephanie is almost me. Load 4 is in the washer (but it all gets hung up to dry, so I'm almost done). I have no baby diapers to do, though. Now if I would just get some math or my incomplete worked on. I have a meeting with my professor tomorrow to go over my incomplete. I'd like to get a little more done before I see him.
Sundays just seem like wash days to me.
So happy to hear that the Blanket is keeping Stephanie warm and Ellie amused at the same time. Now that's the way for a fuzzy inanimate object to multitask.
I had a cat who was crazy for asparagus and could eat 4 stalks at a sitting.
Jess, could you call up and set up an appointment with her for whenever-from-now-you'll-be-needing one by calling *today*? I guess I figure it's slightly less weird if they can just glance down at the appointment book from today and see who you were with? Otherwise, you'll just have to stalk the place and walk in and say hi to her and ask when she's got appointments, and ask for her card then.