Hey, j- Matt ios really glad you are here and have found reasons to be here other than escape.
ION, of a very important nature . I got dressed for work even though I didn't want to. But I really wanted to wear my socks with blue elephants on them. sometimes the most minor thing is the greatest motivator.
yay for P-C.
I'm beginning to think I'm really just not cookies yet. I got another rejection letter to add to the pile, and I'm working very hard to remind myself that this is in no way personal; but based on the stories my profs have told me, maybe it's just that I haven't reached my full potential of attractiveness for organizations right now. I'm not cookies. I'm like, in the oven.
I think I may be salmonella before I'm ever cookies.(Cause, you know, uncooked egg in the dough.)
I have found the source of all evil. It is the floor underneath my trashcans by the stove.
It's a deathmatch now. Only one of us is coming out of this alive.
Apparently he STILL mentions me with longing to mutual friends--and we broke up 15 years ago.
I have a friend who does this for a girlfriend he had over TWENTY years ago. I just shut down and ignore it when he does it these days (though it's at least considerably less frequent than he used to do it). Maybe this is where missing time comes from.
Some guys, even ones I am friends with, skeeve me out royally.
In the long-term longing thing, my sister may hold the record, although she's the one who dumped him. Guy she went to high school with, and dated for a while, will still get in touch to tell her she's the only woman he's ever loved. He's been married twice, divorced both because they weren't my sister.
They graduated from high school in 1974.
Dear Makers of Pet Care Products:
Please to not be naming dog grooming tools "The Love Glove." Ta ever so, and I'll be billing you for the brain bleach.
Skipped like a bunny, but just saw the pictures from Tahoe. Egad, Emmet is such a... boy now. He's all grown up!
Cash, on the stomach bug front: it can take an infant/toddler a lot longer to back to normal after the stomach flu. I bet the barfing this morning was because of the milk. Just give him water & pedialyte at first, then if that sits fine, you might want to consider soy milk or rice milk for a few days. With Franny, we sometimes had to keep her on soy milk for a couple of weeks after a bout of the flu.
I got the "I made a terrible mistake and I still love you" from my ex too, after he left me. I told him that that ship had not only sailed, but was also at the bottom of the ocean.
Poor Owen and poor Owen's parents. May all of the barfing people feel better.