Perkins, Yahtzee has a couple of good stories in her livejournal back around November 2004. There's an archive of fanfiction for the show here, but it's pretty hit or miss.
'Same Time, Same Place'
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Thanks Matt, I have been to the site, which scares me a little. I will try Yahtzee's.
It was a little weird for me, because I bought everything except the sex. Which is weird, because I'm All About the Slash, but -- and I'm a bit embarrassed to say it -- I don't see the chemistry there. I think they're adorable, and they make a wonderful comedic team, but I suppose I just see them both as overgrown boys. And not the chemistry-having kind.
It didn't bother me, I just didn't quite buy it. But the rest of the story was quite sweet and funny anyway.
And sort of tangentially related to the discussion at hand, julad has an essay about the kinds of subtext that slash writers make explicit in their stories.
*whispers to Emily* I don't see the slash either. I mean, I see it, in the sense that I totally get what people are responding to, but... not pinging for me.
Blah blah canon blah blah conflict I already wrote this post in LJ, didn't I?
And yeah, that's a good post of Julad's.
has there been any good Lost fic to speak of?
I haven't found much, but what I have liked is up on the what's new page at polyamorous. Unfortunately, Lost seems to be the fandom of Teh Woobie!!!!1! Which, predictably, doesn't do a whole bunch for me.
Lost seems to be the fandom of Teh Woobie!!!!1!
Yeah. And I could sort of see that in the case of, oh, say, Charlie perhaps. But folks keep woobifying Sawyer which just strikes me as all kindsa wrong.
Sawyer is exactly the character that fandom would automatically woobify, though. It's like he was designed for it. He's snarky! He's mean! He has Secret Pain! He even likes to read! And no one understands him, poor dear sweetie.
He's the Spike. Who was the Spike before Spike was the Spike?
Kerr Avon.
ETA: Well, directly previous, Krycek maybe. I dunno how much Krycek got woobified, though.