BODIE AND RAY? Is that what I fear, never mind the simpering?
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Pros? Yeah, Pros is an old-time slash fandom that's surviving pretty well.
Old-time slash fandom. Old-time slash fandom.
God. There are probably grandmothers writing slash. Maybe even great-grandmothers.
Simper? oh, dear.
t backs away slowly
Who's the Ray? Reflexively, I was wondering if it was Pros/DS.
Ray is Doyle's first name. It's rarely used in the series, but the fanfic writers like it-- from what I've read, which I freely admit is a fairly small sampling.
I went to the same place ita did.
Since I don't know Pros-- I was wondering if it was Dawson's Creek/Due South!
The only fictional Bodie I knew of was Lukas Haas' half-witted kid sidekick character from Solarbabies. I believe my brain went to a scarier place than anyone else's.
Depending on the Ray (can we have a war?) Bodie/Ray is a nice place indeed.
How weird to not use Bodie's first name, then.