By interspecies sex, i meant that one horrible, (but still hysterical) fic that was also a PWP.
It was...
Xander Harris/Jar Jar Binks. With Pictures.
I edited it so the pairing would be like spoilers. Because it was too cruel to let the pairing sit there and mock others.
Well, now I've seen it all; there's someone in an RPS thread defending NAMBLA.
Maybe it's irony, and I just don't get it.
Although things may change when Ben and Claudia start showing up ....
I saw some people putting together a gift basket for the two of them on the SG1 set. It included wallet cards saying things like "Remember, this time MICHAEL gets Claudia!", "'Frell', 'dren', and 'microt' are for the other show," and "Yes, pants do come in materials other than leather."
Hmm. Well, they're (from what I know -- could be wrong) right about the "innocent child" concept, and wrong about time making things more liberal. I've come up with all other kinds of comments, but on reflection I just go "Eh."
Purple lettering on a black background with fricking *stars* is not a color scheme. It is a plot. A bad plot. A plot worse than "Picture This".
That is one scary plot.
Edit: Accidently double posted. Eh. Sorry.
Felt like pimping this slash series. Everyone knows Scribe is a genius, people just have a tendency to foget how amazing of a genius!
People slashed:
- The Arby's glove
- The Verizon Wireless Guy
- Bailey's Irish Creme
- The Red M&M
The Commercial slash series