What's the one A/S story you'd rec to somebody to say "not romantic, well-written, convincing"?
I'm crazy about Kita's Binding Angel/Binding Spike, but they're really dark and also kinky, so maybe not the best proof of slashy *good*ness.
'Life of the Party'
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
What's the one A/S story you'd rec to somebody to say "not romantic, well-written, convincing"?
I'm crazy about Kita's Binding Angel/Binding Spike, but they're really dark and also kinky, so maybe not the best proof of slashy *good*ness.
I'm confused, Betsy. This person thinks that all slash is Kirk/Spock?
Cause, dood. Come out of the 60s.
Oh, Suela, I can't tell you where to start on this discussion. It was the kind of incoherent yammering of the peanut gallery that one might hope to avoid, or anyway, upon which one might hope to impose a dictionary and the convention of raising one's hand when it is one's turn.
Where is this?
What's the one A/S story you'd rec to somebody to say "not romantic, well-written, convincing"?
Huh. Dunno. Some of the ones I like:
Big Exit, by amerella. Also Dig My Earth.
Manus, by Kita.
Quiet Familiars, by Violet.
Miles To Go, by Rachel Anton.
Back in Your Bed, by Jennifer-Oksana.
Okay, so SailAweigh posted a pic of JM in a tux that was posted on the domain colddeadseed, which made me google the phrase, which made me land on an old thread titled Cold Dead Seed and Other Attrocities [sic] : Badfic on another forum.
People in that thread are admitting to badfic Buffyverse things they like, like Spike purring, or pregnant Buffy ...
So I wondered ... anyone here like any badfic things? Buffyverse, or otherwise?
The only thing that comes right to mind is Nikitaverse fic that's mean to Nikita. But the flip side of those fics seemed to be unreasoning Michael adulation, and I couldn't quite get past that.
I'm scared to think of others.
I'm guessing it's this conversation, Suela.
anyone here like any badfic things? Buffyverse, or otherwise?
I have a not-so-secret liking for the occassional mpreg, which frequently leads me to read badfic. I will also keep reading very bad fic if it happens to be my Pairing Kink Of The Moment (patent pending).
I will also keep reading very bad fic if it happens to be my Pairing Kink Of The Moment (patent pending).
nods in agreement
I do the exact same thing. I'm also drawn to crossovers, which aren't really a badfic cliche as far as I know, but they do tend to spawn a lot of craptacular fic.
Obviously, Anne and I are one here.