Now I have the desire to find a fandom and character where I can write "s/he came like a volcano" and have it be plausible.
Dude, just check out the early issues of Superboy, when he was still on Hawaii and not yet given the name Kon. At least one or two characters in there that would do it.
The only anime I know is
Yami no Matsuei.
(But I think Tsuzuki's more likely to
like a volcano...)
Kon could work. Of course, this is all hypothetical, because -- Yuletide first. Yes.
Now I have the desire to find a fandom and character where I can write "s/he came like a volcano" and have it be plausible.
I'm sorry to say, I'm not imagining plausible, more deeply ironic. Historical RPS set in Pompey, for example. Alas, my brain she must be scrubbed again!
For those writers on lj, a new community where you can ask those nagging questions of what's possible and what can I get away with. Looks like it could be very useful.
Called Detail Oriented, user name little_details
I'm sorry to say, I'm not imagining plausible, more deeply ironic. Historical RPS set in Pompey, for example.
Replace 'Historical RPS' with 'Highlander', and Bob's your uncle! (Oh dear. Now the Methos in my head is laughing uproariously.)
t still lurking, really
For those who would be interested, The Shoebox Project has been updated. Go forth and squee.
t /still lurking, really
rubbed herself on his burgeoning ego, and exclaimed, “Exactly.”
Well, there's some acrobatics.
Opening her eyes, Nikita smiled, rubbed herself on his burgeoning ego, and exclaimed, “Exactly.”
You have made my morning. Hee!
Arrrgh. I don't know why, but I'm involved in an argument with somebody who says slash = bad K/S. I said I don't read K/S, but I damn well do know good A/S. (Kirk/Spock, Angel/Spike).
What's the one A/S story you'd rec to somebody to say "not romantic, well-written, convincing"? I'm leaning toward Te, Kita, or Lar, but I can't make up my mind.