I will also keep reading very bad fic if it happens to be my Pairing Kink Of The Moment (patent pending).
nods in agreement
I do the exact same thing. I'm also drawn to crossovers, which aren't really a badfic cliche as far as I know, but they do tend to spawn a lot of craptacular fic.
Obviously, Anne and I are one here.
I like badfic in general and if someone reads something that's "omigod! my eyes!" I want to read it. Unless it's just spelling and grammer issues,I want really out there plot.
I like badfic in general and if someone reads something that's "omigod! my eyes!" I want to read it. Unless it's just spelling and grammer issues,I want really out there plot.
This. I can't read bad spelling and grammar because it's too much work and I can't lose myself in the story, but unless things are just completely wacked out there aren't many badfic tropes that turn me off. Torture, daddykink, and non-con turn me off, but a well-done mpreg won't do it.
Look, jargon!
I also have a sneaking fondness for fics in which genders get switched.
I like fics where the boys have to wear eyeliner...
I'm also drawn to crossovers, which aren't really a badfic cliche as far as I know, but they do tend to spawn a lot of craptacular fic.
I have to confess, I very rarely read crossovers, unless I know both fandoms very well, but I'm really drawn to writing them. *looks nervously at co-written novel-length HP/Discworld crossover with mpreg* *is concious of Friends/A View From The Bridge plot bunny raving in its hutch* *emotes too much*
My other badfic kink is plots which involve characters who are normally grown-up becoming much younger-- especially if they're more like 17 than 7. I wasn't really a fan of Stargate SG-1 until I discovered that teenage!Jack was
Oh, god, you've made me go to an all teenaged SG1 place. I ... it's very weird here.
I'm now curious about gender-switch Buffy fic.
Oh, god, you've made me go to an all teenaged SG1 place. I ... it's very weird here.
ita, did you know there's an LJ community dedicated to that? Jack, Sam, and Daniel (or maybe just Jack and Sam) are all regressed to high school age. It's called, IIRC, mini_otp. Sigh.