And again...eww.
Especially given the deadness.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
And again...eww.
Especially given the deadness.
I am now in the last leg of my life
I've heard of the human race and the trousers of time, but surely this isn't quite what's meant...
and then the memory containing vials could be introduced into the blonde woman’s mind
Are we talking surgical implantation? Or, assuming that she means "the memory contained within the vials", I also have a picture of someone pouring it in via her ear.
and help in the reconstruction and hopefully population of the Planet
So the Big Plan is to reanimate her, recover her mind, and then make her have lots of babies? Right.
Michael suddenly regained some of his deflated confidence and on this the 180th day of her coma, Michael decided to go forward with the re-introduction of her anamnesis.
Suddenly? Is this before or after the procedure that takes six months?
Dana, I'm so glad it's you rather than me reading this story in its full form.
So His Royal Highness has Nikita's pensieve?
Must pimp.
Let's just say, this is Scully introducing herself to Angel Investigations:
Scully thought, briefly, of drawing her Glock.
"I'm looking for the vampire with a soul," she said, cutting through the comments.
X-Files. Angel. It's like going home.
And if that doesn't do it for you--Vamp!Mulder.
Somebody writes crossovers as weird as mine... Yay!And it's an excellent story, too. Can't wait to read the rest of it AND I gave the author fb right away instead of being afraid she'd mess it up with a bad ending(That happens a lot, ime)
So this is interesting, I've never come across it before.
Someone's selling PDFs of a fic zine. I understand why, once upon a time, you sold zines for money to cover the cost of xeroxing and mailing. But what justifies selling access to an electronic file?
t peers sideways suspiciously
My understanding from catching the edges of a discussion which I'm pretty sure was about that very zine is that they're justifying it by saying it's compensating them for their time coding etc. (No one was terribly impressed by that argument, but that's what I remember hearing third-hand that it was.)
it's compensating them for their time coding etc.
With Adobe, it's a straight conversion of text to PDF. There must be pictures or something. though I doubt that would impress any lawyers.
Maybe for their time doing layout? It can be significant.