So true.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
The student union building at my university is named after him.
Which horrifies me.
I don't like him, because he doesn't seem to have much of a sense of humour in person, and has been pissy to friends of mine.
How weird.
Meanwhile, the college repubs at my university are going to try to get one of the dorms named after Reagan.
I've never encountered him in person, so I find it pretty humourous. I'd've had to change schools if they started naming stuff after Reagan. Or, say, Mulroney, which would be slightly more plausible.
They named it the Shat after I graduated, but while I was still using the building, I think. I was disenfranchised.
It was cute, I guess. It wasn't until after that I started disliking him.
I was at a tennis tournament a couple years ago, and he was sitting a couple seats away from me. I gave him my best you-remember-when-you-dissed-my-friends? stink-eye. I think my father thought I was insane.
Yep, Kirk/Spock. I've never read any, but one always got the impression from the shows that ... something ... was going on.
HELL yes! Why do you think Kirk pulled out all the stops and got way renegade to find Spock in Star Trek 3? It sure wasn't because they were just good friends, I'll tell you what.
I don't remember which movie, but there's a nifty scene where Kirk grabs Spock's arms and stares at him with a "My god, is it you?" look. Makes a slasher's heart go pit-a-pat.
Prolly Star Trek 3. After Spock died to save the ship (and his true love), and was shot into space, and ended up on the Genesis Project planet, and was thus re-born, though McCoy had received Spock's soul via mind-meld.
The McCoy-Spock stuff in ST3 was fun. With McCoy trying to run the science boards.
edit: But then they killed the Enterprise. I can't watch that movie again, because it kills me to see her go down.
The Enterprise D deserved going in nosefirst. They could show it every year at Christmas. Damned ugly ship.
I was very "whatever" about K/S until I saw this link in LJ. Now I can't stop cracking up when I think of it.