My life is complete. I can die happy now.
I've been called "overrated" on Fanfic_hate.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
My life is complete. I can die happy now.
I've been called "overrated" on Fanfic_hate.
Yay, Consuela!
Suela! We always knew you had it in you. I'm so proud!
OK, did everybody else know about this lucious little Fred/Spike ficlet from our own adorable Fay? Did I miss the memo?
There are two other new things by her over there, too.
Ah, yes - realised that they'd never been given a home other than a page of my LJ, the Willow/Dru and the Andrew, so I thought I should pop them somewhere more formal.
The Spred was scribbled fastfastfast back before AtS5, when Plei realised that the portmanteau term for Spike/Fred would be Spred, and that this meant 'Buttery' was a perfect name for a 'ship site. After I'd finished giggling, I wrote her a quick ficlet.
...also? Oh my lord. I cannot believe I'm reading Kirk/Spock. And indeed that I'm starting to feel OhMyGodTheirLoveIsSoCanon!!!111!!! about it all. Star Trek will never be the same.
Yep, Kirk/Spock. I've never read any, but one always got the impression from the shows that ... something ... was going on. I can see McCoy walking in on them, yelling at them for not locking the door, throwing a few zingers around, then walking out shaking his head.
No Star Trek since has touched the glory of Kirk-Spock-McCoy.
I don't suppose Fay gets to see the amusing Nimoy/Shatner Priceline ads.
I love Shatner. How many actors make a decent living by making fun of themselves?
The student union building at my university is named after him.