Suela! We always knew you had it in you. I'm so proud!
'The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco'
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
OK, did everybody else know about this lucious little Fred/Spike ficlet from our own adorable Fay? Did I miss the memo?
There are two other new things by her over there, too.
Ah, yes - realised that they'd never been given a home other than a page of my LJ, the Willow/Dru and the Andrew, so I thought I should pop them somewhere more formal.
The Spred was scribbled fastfastfast back before AtS5, when Plei realised that the portmanteau term for Spike/Fred would be Spred, and that this meant 'Buttery' was a perfect name for a 'ship site. After I'd finished giggling, I wrote her a quick ficlet.
...also? Oh my lord. I cannot believe I'm reading Kirk/Spock. And indeed that I'm starting to feel OhMyGodTheirLoveIsSoCanon!!!111!!! about it all. Star Trek will never be the same.
Yep, Kirk/Spock. I've never read any, but one always got the impression from the shows that ... something ... was going on. I can see McCoy walking in on them, yelling at them for not locking the door, throwing a few zingers around, then walking out shaking his head.
No Star Trek since has touched the glory of Kirk-Spock-McCoy.
I don't suppose Fay gets to see the amusing Nimoy/Shatner Priceline ads.
I love Shatner. How many actors make a decent living by making fun of themselves?
The student union building at my university is named after him.
So true.
The student union building at my university is named after him.
Which horrifies me.
I don't like him, because he doesn't seem to have much of a sense of humour in person, and has been pissy to friends of mine.