I flashed on a shudderingly horrible picture of his face planted in between her breasts, with his lips roaming around separately like some disembodied hand from a horror movie, trying to find some nipple. I'm glad you wondered about those roaming lips too. I thought I was the only one.
'Conviction (1)'
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Just like that Angel villan who could detach parts of his body.
And now I'm all grossed out.
And now I'm all grossed out.
But having sex with him would be so...well, you don't have to worry about flexibility, or getting limbs tangled, or anything. Think of the things he could do to you simultaneously.
Almost as much fun as shagging Mr. Fantastic.
But having sex with him would be so...well, you don't have to worry about flexibility, or getting limbs tangled, or anything. Think of the things he could do to you simultaneously.
raise your hand if ewwww
t hand raised
I'm picturing the head ducking out to the living room watching football and one hand in the kitchen getting snacks.
I'm picturing the head ducking out to the living room watching football and one hand in the kitchen getting snacks.
(raising hand) Major ew factor.
If he's using one hand to get snacks, you need to move on to another dismembered man. That's just rude.
It's the lack of hand, and not the lack of the head, with its looking and thinking and tongue that you think is rude?
You don't need a tongue, much less a mouth to watch TV.
Eyes would be nice, but if he needs to navigate by feel, so be it. Just as long as all hands are on deck, or at least near it, at attention.